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Global Finance Management and Federal Reserve


How are the global finances managed?

Who has the liberty to print a million dollars for themselves and who does not? Is it possible for everyone to be wealthy? Where lies the true causes of war?

Many believe that money is created by countries, but it is not it. Most countries have no control over money production, instead private structures hold these rights; such as,  the rights to produce the US dollar belong to the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is a private organization, joint stock company created by 12 biggest American banks. It wasn’t always this way. For centuries bankers have tried to get a hold of the money production machine. Even Amschel Mayer Rothschild, the founder of the Rothschild dynasty had said “Give me the money printing machine, I couldn’t care less who writes the law in this country!”

Executing such a grand affair didn’t come easily, of course. It took several centuries for the bankers to manage to reach this goal. The idea went as follows- to create a commercial bank that would print money and lend it to countries with interest. Simply put- to hand out credits. It was tagged Federal in order to mask the private nature of the business, with all the intent to create an impression that this business belongs to the state. So on the 23rd of December, 1913 when most congressmen were out of office celebrating the Christmas holidays, and act that permitted the establishment of the Federal Reserve was passed and signed by Woodrow Wilson. Later on Wilson admitted regretting this action by saying “I accidentally destroyed my country”.

In 1944 the banker gangs were ready to roam the planet and managed to pass the so called Bretton Woods Agreement, according to which the dollar would not be exchanged for gold any more. At that moment the US dollar became the global currency. The US dollar stepped on any plans for other countries to print their own money and the global international economy was dollarized. The power was shifted from national to the Federal Reserve. The bankers set up a global monopoly for manufacturing money and mercilessly stopped any attempts by states or individuals in printing their own. Money can be manufactured, but not by you.

Global Finance Management and Federal Reserve

What’s the difference in who prints the money as long as it can be used you may ask?

It is not all that easy. The trick of this financial system is that it’s being lent to the country with interest, there’s a percentage to be paid off of it. Let’s assume a country needs 100 billion dollars, in order to obtain it, the country agrees to return it with increased interest and in the process of borrowing it, they offer a guarantee in a form of a bill. If the interest rate is 5%, they will return 105 billion for the 100 they borrowed.

The problem with these 5% is that it doesn’t actually exist, as only 100 have been printed. So in order to meet the terms of the agreement the state has no choice but to settle for the bill or borrow some more.

Setting up a new loan becomes more complex with every next loan. In order to release the pressure, the state is financing particular banks with the same methodology, who are then handing out credits to the public. By each step taken in this scheme the interest rate increases. The last step in this circle is the private individuals who often cannot pay back their debt and loose everything.

This how individuals are being led into debt one year after another, their properties become those of creditors, the poverty levels keep rising. Such finance systems operate under the rule that there’s a couple of very rich individuals and billions of those who have no choice but to live off of little earnings by paying off both the known interest and the hidden charges. It is clear that it is impossible for everyone to be wealthy in the presence of such system.

The International Bank and the International Currency Fund has been handing out credits to 3 countries since the 60’s. The policy of these countries is to hand out as many loans in dollars as possible, but it is no secret that it is actually impossible to return these loans. So these countries will always become subject to never-ending lending and always increasing interest rates. Usually this money never reaches the public, instead it is received by private international companies and as a result the state has to give away its national treasury. The so called “financial aid to developing countries programme” is nothing but pure theft. The scheme goes like this: “So you have oil, but have no money; we shall credit you then and within this credit we will establish an oil production factory as you have no specialists, experience or equipment. After that we will sell your oil to the global market. You will then pay your debt off of these earnings and in case of insufficient resources to manage the payment we will credit you some more”.

Some people are historically famous for trying to break these chains. John F Kennedy was the last US President to stand against the Federal Reserve. On June the 1st, 1963 he started a plan with the purpose to disassemble this private money making machine. He signed the order 11110 which gave rights to the US State to print their own money, without involving the Federal Reserve.  In his speech, not long before his assassination President Kennedy in a speech he mentioned secret societies with these words: “basically we are a nation that keeps struggling against secret societies, orders and meetings, but there’s a global monolithic and cruel conspiration present which is increasing its power behind closed door.”

The Federal Reserve viewed it as a horrible treason as Kennedy was supported by them as Presidential candidate.

Such behaviour was what the Federal Reserve feared the most and murder seemed like a logical outcome. Since then, not a single US President has stood against the Federal Reserve banker gang.

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The Federal Reserve audit in 100 years was executed in 2011. The results were sucesfully shut down from being spoken about in the oh-so-free-US-media. The results said that post the 2008 crisis there’s 16 trillion dollars that had been secretly manufactured and handed out to the involved banks, which then have transferred this money to the bankers. Even though the Federal Reserve has branded this affair as “successful crediting”, not a single penny has been returned from it.

Global monetary problems could successfully be solved with this money, instead this parasitic financial system has led to money being lost by those who owned savings in dollars.

One of the main reasons as to why dollars are still being used globally is in the fact that the oil and the natural market is to be paid in dollars. This is why the US has access to the world oil and gas reserves. In order to maintain the global demand for dollars, the US is trying to guarantee that the oil exporting countries are selling it in US dollars. When Iraq refused to trade in US dollars and instead shifted to trading in EUR, the US found a reason to bring their armed forces in their territory and as soon as in June, 2003, the oil trade in US dollars was re-established.

Now, for the most interesting part- credit card use is practical for both receiving money and making payments in either shops or online. But who does it belong to? Does it belong to you or the bank? Currently there are some instances where the state is eligible to request information about your current account. Remember last year the news about cryptocurrency shacked the world? How many fraudulent schemes were practised under the use of cryptocurrencies and block chains? Is it just a financial bubble with the purpose to empty the pockets of those fallen for the technological trick?.. Or is it a testing ground for something else? Part of something much greater and longer plan?

It would be an absolute bliss for the global financial governance to lock the whole world in electronic slavery. It’s comfortable because then there is no need to actually manufacture the money, you can just press a button and money appears, while the actual financial resources are being pumped into the pockets of the creators of these schemes. Currently only 60% of global trade is being made in US dollars, the rest 40% are various other currencies. What if this ratio changes not in favour of the US dollar? That is why the time is now to think about alternative world control methodology.

The enormous amount of capital currently being invested into cryptocurrency projects leads us to think that cryptocurrency is chosen to be the currency of the new world order and also a means of a control system.

Why were the first cryptocurrencies private instead of official Central Bank currencies? Two causes can be named. First one- labelling cryptocurrencies as private enables the public to become accustomed to the new system. Second one, on the basis of private cryptocurrencies this system is being tested and improved.

Pay attention to the chain of events: a new official cryptocurrency emerges, so actual money is being removed from the market- the block chain becomes the ultimate financial control mechanism for any individual. In that case private cryptocurrencies can be depleted, which is easily achieved by labelling them as terroristic. Behold- united electronic money has been introduced. That’s about it, welcome to the electronic concentration camp.


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